
2022 Wynn Millions

$10,000 Main Event [$10,000,000 GTD]
Day: 1c
Event Info

2022 Wynn Millions

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 1c
Players Left

Day 2c Seat Draw By Table

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
342Perry Zhao230,000
343Mark Darner77,500
344Joe McKeehen122,000
345Kristen Nyman175,500
346Jeffrey Hakim56,500
347Byron Kaverman118,000
348Jesse Sylvia161,500
349Ian Dean80,000
351Bob Bounahra46,500
352Scott Blumstein174,000
353Matt Moore109,000
354Tristan Wade124,500
355Iris Liu35,000
356Brian Kim177,000
357Joshua Ladines144,500
358Giuliano Lentini44,500
359Chance Kornuth286,000
361Vlad Mezheritsky57,000
362Paul Ephremsen188,000
363Rania Nasreddine51,000
364Reid Walker221,500
365Nick Shkolnik133,000
366Jesse Rockowitz247,000
368Farid Jattin245,000
369Veselin Dimitrov47,500
371Nir Cohen111,000
372Rok Gostisa192,500
373Calvin Anderson96,500
374Nilesh Patel181,000
376Toni Bosch59,000
377Ryan Belz123,000
378Darren Rabinowitz113,500
379Giuseppe Pantaleo89,000
381Raja Sekhar93,000
382Vikramdip Singh70,000
383Qing Liu214,000
384Daniel Sepiol217,500
385Selahaddin Bedir138,500
386Athanasios Polychronopoulos261,000
387Dennis Martin231,000
388Ugur Secilmis406,000
389Roland Shen128,000
391Peter Neff97,000
392Daniel Moran79,000
393Gintautas Putinas53,000
394Andrew Smith136,500
395Jake Daniels160,500
396Jon-Michael Gisler39,000
397Matt Berkey222,500
398Ryan LaPlante107,500
399Kristopher Templeman288,500
401Ryan Hohner117,500
402Hyo Joo330,500
403Huy Nguyen135,000
404Matthew Su60,000
405Yanki Koppel130,000
406Daniel Buzgon134,500
407Calvin Lee70,500
408Andre Butler142,000
409Aram Oganyan67,000
411Linus Richter69,500
412Kenneth O'Donnell103,000
413Matas Cimbolas84,000
414Corey Hochman155,500
415Ryan Riess73,500
416Sung Lee164,000
417Nick Schulman400,000
418Dan Ott71,000
421Aaron Motoyama81,500
422Francesco Motta217,500
423Aaron Mathis65,500
424Brandon Lulov121,000
425Cliff Josephy62,000
426Katie Lindsay257,500
427James Mendoza67,500
428Armando Collado75,500
429Uri Kadosh63,000
431David Dowdy173,500
432Albert Knafo301,000
433Albert Nguyen19,500
434Achille Samaran26,500
435David Berman39,500
436Turbo Nguyen162,000
437Henry Lu94,000
438Kathy Liebert85,500
439Matt Ploof93,500
442Stephen Song40,000
443Sue Johnson236,500
444Jay Nair22,000
445TK Miles131,000
446David Rheem113,500
447Pete Skyllas107,000
448Hoan Nguyen88,500
449Thomas Winters52,500
451Eric Wong122,500
452Larry Ormson204,000
453Arianna Son50,000
454Jeremy Joseph128,000
455Patrick Roteman102,500
456Mihai Manole53,000
457Derek Gregory64,500
458Shaun Deeb271,000
459Diego Sanchez Serrano158,000
461Javier Zarco171,500
462Mike Zulker127,000
463Tony Wasaya63,500
464David Lambard100,000
466Eli Elezra148,000
467Justin Zaki212,500
468Eric Blair80,500
469Bryden Baxter71,000
471Xuan Liu81,000
472Neng Lee106,500
473Huy Lam99,500
474Mike Azzaro79,500
475JC Tran105,500
476Eshaan Bhalla87,500
477Michael Stembera270,000
478Aaron Schaff46,000
479Farhan Pirzada76,500
481Niko Koop290,000
482Matthew Sabia281,000
483Jerry Wong185,000
484Adam Krach145,000
485Vijaya Madala50,500
486Daniel Sindelar33,500
487Katrina Weaver152,500
488Tony Sinishtaj164,500
492Bruce Kramer179,000
493Aaron Ogus112,000
494Freddy Deeb62,500
495Guifang Liu119,000
496Ken Einiger151,000
497Francis Anderson65,000
498Lorenzo Lavis120,000
499Isaac Kempton193,500
501Sebastien Grax160,000
502Michael Vela104,000
503Matt Bond121,500
504Steve Karp58,500
505Brock Wilson237,500
506Christina Gollins29,000
507Eric Afriat91,500
508Andrew Moreno315,000
509Maxwell Young186,500
511Ben Hamnett209,000
512Joshua Pollock68,000
513Jason Wheeler97,500
514Robert Peacock76,000
515John Krpan55,000
516Taylor Wilson63,000
517Albert Ng103,000
518Mike Meskin50,000
519Michael Liang352,500
521Alex Livingston36,000
522Jesse Yaginuma113,000
523Sean Perry188,000
524Paul Fisher20,000
525Thomas Eychenne92,500
526Tony Dunst117,000
527Noah Schwartz59,000
528Mukul Pahuja60,000
529Brent Roberts181,000
531Demosthenes Kiriopoulos51,500
532Robert Brobyn178,500
533Ben Diebold37,000
534Padraig O'Neill191,000
535Philipe Pinto72,500
536Sameer Batra45,500
537Richard Kirsch61,000
538Tony Ho142,500
539Austin Srur47,500

Day 2c Seat Draw By Chip Counts

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
388Ugur Secilmis406,000
417Nick Schulman400,000
519Michael Liang352,500
402Hyo Joo330,500
508Andrew Moreno315,000
432Albert Knafo301,000
481Niko Koop290,000
399Kristopher Templeman288,500
359Chance Kornuth286,000
482Matthew Sabia281,000
458Shaun Deeb271,000
477Michael Stembera270,000
386Athanasios Polychronopoulos261,000
426Katie Lindsay257,500
366Jesse Rockowitz247,000
368Farid Jattin245,000
505Brock Wilson237,500
443Sue Johnson236,500
387Dennis Martin231,000
342Perry Zhao230,000
397Matt Berkey222,500
364Reid Walker221,500
384Daniel Sepiol217,500
422Francesco Motta217,500
383Qing Liu214,000
467Justin Zaki212,500
511Ben Hamnett209,000
452Larry Ormson204,000
499Isaac Kempton193,500
372Rok Gostisa192,500
534Padraig O'Neill191,000
362Paul Ephremsen188,000
523Sean Perry188,000
509Maxwell Young186,500
483Jerry Wong185,000
374Nilesh Patel181,000
529Brent Roberts181,000
492Bruce Kramer179,000
532Robert Brobyn178,500
356Brian Kim177,000
345Kristen Nyman175,500
352Scott Blumstein174,000
431David Dowdy173,500
461Javier Zarco171,500
488Tony Sinishtaj164,500
416Sung Lee164,000
436Turbo Nguyen162,000
348Jesse Sylvia161,500
395Jake Daniels160,500
501Sebastien Grax160,000
459Diego Sanchez Serrano158,000
414Corey Hochman155,500
487Katrina Weaver152,500
496Ken Einiger151,000
466Eli Elezra148,000
484Adam Krach145,000
357Joshua Ladines144,500
538Tony Ho142,500
408Andre Butler142,000
385Selahaddin Bedir138,500
394Andrew Smith136,500
403Huy Nguyen135,000
406Daniel Buzgon134,500
365Nick Shkolnik133,000
445TK Miles131,000
405Yanki Koppel130,000
389Roland Shen128,000
454Jeremy Joseph128,000
462Mike Zulker127,000
354Tristan Wade124,500
377Ryan Belz123,000
451Eric Wong122,500
344Joseph McKeehen122,000
503Matt Bond121,500
424Brandon Lulov121,000
498Lorenzo Lavis120,000
495Guifang Liu119,000
347Byron Kaverman118,000
401Ryan Hohner117,500
526Tony Dunst117,000
378Darren Rabinowitz113,500
446David Rheem113,500
522Jesse Yaginuma113,000
493Aaron Ogus112,000
371Nir Cohen111,000
353Matt Moore109,000
398Ryan LaPlante107,500
447Pete Skyllas107,000
472Neng Lee106,500
475JC Tran105,500
502Michael Vela104,000
412Kenneth O'Donnell103,000
517Albert Ng103,000
455Patrick Roteman102,500
464David Lambard100,000
473Huy Lam99,500
513Jason Wheeler97,500
391Peter Neff97,000
373Calvin Anderson96,500
437Henry Lu94,000
439Matt Ploof93,500
381Raja Sekhar93,000
525Thomas Eychenne92,500
507Eric Afriat91,500
379Giuseppe Pantaleo89,000
448Hoan Nguyen88,500
476Eshaan Bhalla87,500
438Kathy Liebert85,500
413Matas Cimbolas84,000
421Aaron Motoyama81,500
471Xuan Liu81,000
468Eric Blair80,500
349Ian Dean80,000
474Mike Azzaro79,500
392Daniel Moran79,000
343Mark Darner77,500
479Farhan Pirzada76,500
514Robert Peacock76,000
428Armando Collado75,500
415Ryan Riess73,500
535Philipe Pinto72,500
418Dan Ott71,000
469Bryden Baxter71,000
407Calvin Lee70,500
382Vikramdip Singh70,000
411Linus Richter69,500
512Joshua Pollock68,000
427James Mendoza67,500
409Aram Oganyan67,000
423Aaron Mathis65,500
497Francis Anderson65,000
457Derek Gregory64,500
463Tony Wasaya63,500
429Uri Kadosh63,000
516Taylor Wilson63,000
494Freddy Deeb62,500
425Cliff Josephy62,000
537Richard Kirsch61,000
404Matthew Su60,000
528Mukul Pahuja60,000
376Toni Bosch59,000
527Noah Schwartz59,000
504Steve Karp58,500
361Vlad Mezheritsky57,000
346Jeffrey Hakim56,500
515John Krpan55,000
393Gintautas Putinas53,000
456Mihai Manole53,000
449Thomas Winters52,500
531Demosthenes Kiriopoulos51,500
363Rania Nasreddine51,000
485Vijaya Madala50,500
453Arianna Son50,000
518Mike Meskin50,000
369Veselin Dimitrov47,500
539Austin Srur47,500
351Bob Bounahra46,500
478Aaron Schaff46,000
536Sameer Batra45,500
358Giuliano Lentini44,500
442Stephen Song40,000
435David Berman39,500
396Jon-Michael Gisler39,000
533Ben Diebold37,000
521Alex Livingston36,000
355Iris Liu35,000
486Daniel Sindelar33,500
506Christina Gollins29,000
434Achille Samaran26,500
444Jay Nair22,000
524Paul Fisher20,000
433Albert Nguyen19,500

$10,000 Main Event [$10,000,000 GTD]

Day 1c Completed

Moreno Looking to Defend Title After Bagging Big Stack in Wynn Millions Main Event Day 1c

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Andrew Moreno
Andrew Moreno

The third and final starting flight of the 2nd annual $10,000 buy-in, $10 million GTD Wynn Millions Main Event as part of 2022 Wynn Millions at Wynn Las Vegas wrapped up late Saturday evening with defending champion Andrew Moreno looking for another title after bagging a stack of 315,000.

Day 1c of the $10,000 buy-in Main Event saw the by far the biggest starting flight field a field of 544 players. In total, the three starting flights attracted a total of 1,075 players to generate $10,105,000 in prize money, squeaking past the guarantee of $10 million.

The lion's share of the prize pool, $1,655,952, will go to the eventual champion of the remaining 315 players, who will also take home the glamorous Main Event trophy.

Moreno, who took down to 2021 Main Event for a cool $1,460,106, found a bag on Day 1c in a big way after busting late in Day 1b. He will return for Day 2ab as he looks to earn his second seventh-figure score.

Big stacks at the end of Day 1c include popular poker commentator Nick Schulman (400,000) and Ugur Secilmis (406,000), who a few months ago finished fifth in the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event for $1,800,000, as well as Michael Liang (352,000), Chance Kornuth (286,000) and Shaun Deeb (271,000).

Nick Schulman
Nick Schulman

Other players who found a bag on Day 1c were Xuan Liu, Joe McKeehen, Matt Berkey, Jake Daniels and Eli Elezra.

Players who were in the field on Day 1c but didn't make it to bagging time include Chris Moorman, Seth Davies, Patrik Antonius, Nadya Magnus,Ari Engel and Bill Klein.

The players who survived Day 1c will return at noon local time on March 7 to battle it out on the felt in Day 2c. Before that, action will pick up on March 6 at noon with Day 2ab for a battle between players from the first two flights. Both Day 2s will consist of five 90-minute levels, a change from the ten 60-minute levels that have made up the Day 1 structure.

Stay tuned as the PokerNews live reporting team will be back tomorrow covering the Day 2ab action.

Remember, there are still three PokerGO Tour High Rollers taking place here at the Wynn Millions, all of which count for . There will be $10,500 buy-in High Rollers on both March 6 & 7, as well as a $15,700 High Roller on March 8. .

Tags: Andrew MorenoAri EngelBill KleinChris MoormanPatrik AntoniusRyan ReissSeth Davies

End-of-Day 1c Counts (full)

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ugur Secilmis tr
Ugur Secilmis
Day 1C Chip Leader
Profile photo of Nick Schulman us
Nick Schulman
WSOP 6X Winner
WPT 2X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Liang us
Michael Liang
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Hyo Joo us
Hyo Joo
Profile photo of Andrew Moreno us
Andrew Moreno
Profile photo of Albert Knafo
Albert Knafo
Profile photo of Niko Koop de
Niko Koop
Profile photo of Kristopher Templeman ca
Kristopher Templeman
Profile photo of Chance Kornuth us
Chance Kornuth
WSOP 4X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Chip Leader Coaching
Profile photo of Matthew Sabia us
Matthew Sabia
Profile photo of Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Stembera us
Michael Stembera
Profile photo of Athanasios Polychronopoulos us
Athanasios Polychronopoulos
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Katie Lindsay us
Katie Lindsay
Profile photo of Jesse Rockowitz us
Jesse Rockowitz
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Farid Jattin co
Farid Jattin
Profile photo of Brock Wilson us
Brock Wilson
Profile photo of Sue Johnson us
Sue Johnson
Profile photo of Dennis Martin de
Dennis Martin
Profile photo of Perry Zhao us
Perry Zhao
Profile photo of Matt Berkey us
Matt Berkey
Profile photo of Reid Walker us
Reid Walker
Profile photo of Daniel Sepiol
Daniel Sepiol
Profile photo of Francesco Motta
Francesco Motta
Profile photo of Qing Liu us
Qing Liu
WPT 1X Winner

Read full

Day 1c is Over

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Day 1c has ended after 10 levels of play. Stay tuned for a recap of the day's events.

Roteman's Rockets Hold

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Patrick Roteman had gotten his stack of 43,000 chips in preflop, and was against two other players.

Opponent: {k-Hearts}{k-Spades}
Patrick Roteman: {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}
Opponent: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

The board ran out {9-Clubs}{4-Spades}{2-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Roteman's aces held to collect the sizable pot near the end of the night, and one opponent was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Patrick Roteman us
Patrick Roteman

River Overbet from McKeehen

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Joe McKeehen was out of position in a heads-up pot and checked on the flop of {9-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The opponent bet 8,000 and McKeehen called.

McKeehen checked again on the {3-Clubs} turn and his opponent checked back. On the {8-Spades} river, McKeehen led out with a massive bet of 42,000 into the pot of around 25,000.

The opponent thought for a minute and folded, revealing the {k-Hearts} in his hand as he did so. McKeehen, meanwhile, showed the {j-Diamonds} in his hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Joe McKeehen
Joe McKeehen

Tags: Joe McKeehen

McKeehen Gets a Fold

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante

Joe McKeehen in the small blind was in a heads-up pot against the big blind.

The flop came {5-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds} and McKeehen fired a bet of 2,000, which his opponent called. McKeehen sized up to 8,000 on the {10-Hearts} turn, which got his opponent to lay it down.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Joe McKeehen
Joe McKeehen

Tags: Joe McKeehen

Loeliger Eliminated by Deeb

Level 10 : 1,000/2,000, 2,000 ante
Paulina Loeliger
Paulina Loeliger

Shaun Deeb opened to 4,000 in middle position and Paulina Loeliger shoved for 9,000 in the hijack. The cutoff called and Deeb called.

The dealer spread the {j-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{5-Clubs} flop and Deeb bet 10,000, causing the cutoff to fold.

Paulina Loeliger: {x-}{x-}
Shaun Deeb: {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}

The dealer ran out the {10-Diamonds} turn and {9-Diamonds} river, but had forgotten to flip over Loeliger's hand. Loeliger sat still for a bit of time before suddenly putting her cards into the middle of the muck and moving the pile of cards around, leaving her hole cards unknown.

Deeb added the chips to his stack and Loeliger made her exit from the tournament area.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Profile photo of Paulina Loeliger at
Paulina Loeliger

Tags: Shaun DeebPaulina Loeliger

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