The Sunday Briefing: 2013 Spring Championship of Online Poker Begins at PokerStars
3 min read
May is probably the most exciting month of the year for poker players. In addition to the World Series of Poker, which starts at the end of the month, the European Poker Tour hosts its annual Grand Final in Monaco, and PokerStars launches the Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP).
The 2013 edition of the SCOOP kicked off on Sunday with the first two events of a 44-event festival. Each event features three buy-in levels — low, medium and high — which means a 132 tournaments will be taking place from May 12 through 26. Sunday's events had more than $4.5 million in guarantees and attracted more than 67,000 players. No results are in yet from the first day of the series, because the tournaments were two-day affairs, but the first winners will be crowned on Monday.
Alongside the start of the SCOOP, Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker still held their usual busy schedule of Sunday Majors. Several top pros had success, including Calvin "cal42688" Anderson, Gordon "holla@yoboy" Vayo, Jordan "JWPRODIGY" Westmoreland, Steve "betrthanphil" Tripp, and Eric "blizair" Blair, who won the Full Tilt Poker Sunday Brawl.
Here's a look at the results from the Sunday major tournaments: